Thoughts on last night's party at the McTwiggykins residence

So Lisa's bday partay was pretty awesome.
Nerf guns, Halo matches, grape soda and cake....what's not to love?
So anyway, a thought hit me while I was sitting there with all you guys.
I think it's really cool how Christains hang out.
On the surface, we really weren't doing anything specific that would label our chilling as "Christain", but it's more like something that isn't said, but understood...if that makes sense. We were just doing what every other teenager in America does, getting together and playing video games. But at the same time there's like this undercurrent; we're a group of people who love each other, and love Christ. Once again, no one has to say it. It's just understood. So in a way, we were NOT just doing what everyone other kid in America goes deeper than that. It's like our love in Christ unifys us, even when we're just sitting around playing Halo or Guitar's a pretty cool thing.