Teh Spoon say Woot

Sir Scrubs-A-Lot Reporting for Duty

Can I get a woot?

I just really wanted to post here. I miss the kind of community we all had before. Remember those skype chats? Those were the days. Is anyone on here still interested in having that kind of group back together. I know stuff has happened since then and we are all kinda busy but is there any chance we can make this work? I am willing to try. I really like having a group of friends Ic an just talk to about stuff whether its funny or serious. I love bouncing things off everyone who takes part in this blog and who took part in the skype chat. So if you're willing to try and revive "the group" again, lets hear a woot.

A note to Depression: "You Shall not PAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSS!!!"

Most of the time its a pretty crappy realization... Depression having many different forms and ways of entering ones life.

And the occasional "Just because"...
It can really mess anyone up. So throughout my early life I found depression to be a "common" feeling... Showing that I was happy or angry was a sign of weakness or an unattractive quality in friendship. Making other people laugh was really the only thing I felt that was "right" or "good". Sharing ones weakness or fault felt like a huge mistake, and often this proved to be true. Life felt like a bleak colorless world filled with people who allowed themselves to succumb to their feelings or emotions and I as a person God called to keep his mind clear.
Drugs never seemed appealing to me. I could never see myself doing crack or any sort of medication, and even cold medicine or pain killers seemed like a stupid and weak way to deal with discomfort or pain. Really dealing with pain or sickness was a way to seem strong, tho I felt not to show that I was sick or in pain, but alas limping or coughing is rather ... obvious.
I feel as if I have veered off topic. Anyway... Depression has had a foothold in my life. Allowing me to be held down to bitterness, anger, jealousy, fear, and some others I care not to mention.
Recently I have found a foothold in happiness and joy... and I have to say it feels good... So now for a LOTR reference ...
Depression ... YOU SHALL NOT PASS! Also can you take your stupid friends with you?