Keeping Warm in the Winter...not as boring as the title.

So I was talking to my friend the other day. She smokes and I was just chilling with her. (literally it was sooo cold) And because I was curious, I asked her "Why do you smoke in the winter? I mean its really cold out here. And she just replied "Well like in the summer, I don't smoke that much cause its hot you know? But in the winter it like keeps me warm." And like I was just thinking recently about the spirtual meaning of a statement like that. Like we all need something to get us through the cold times, the hard times. For me its Jesus, my God, My Father. She is not too keen on church and all that, and I don't push Jesus on her. I just hope that maybe someday I can show her through my friendship that there is someone better than cigarettes that can make her feel warm in the wintertime. And that's Jesus.


Commie Thwarter Dan said...

This is pretty deep. And awesome. Very cool concept.

Matt said...

interesting ...