A note to Depression: "You Shall not PAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSS!!!"

Most of the time its a pretty crappy realization... Depression having many different forms and ways of entering ones life.

And the occasional "Just because"...
It can really mess anyone up. So throughout my early life I found depression to be a "common" feeling... Showing that I was happy or angry was a sign of weakness or an unattractive quality in friendship. Making other people laugh was really the only thing I felt that was "right" or "good". Sharing ones weakness or fault felt like a huge mistake, and often this proved to be true. Life felt like a bleak colorless world filled with people who allowed themselves to succumb to their feelings or emotions and I as a person God called to keep his mind clear.
Drugs never seemed appealing to me. I could never see myself doing crack or any sort of medication, and even cold medicine or pain killers seemed like a stupid and weak way to deal with discomfort or pain. Really dealing with pain or sickness was a way to seem strong, tho I felt not to show that I was sick or in pain, but alas limping or coughing is rather ... obvious.
I feel as if I have veered off topic. Anyway... Depression has had a foothold in my life. Allowing me to be held down to bitterness, anger, jealousy, fear, and some others I care not to mention.
Recently I have found a foothold in happiness and joy... and I have to say it feels good... So now for a LOTR reference ...
Depression ... YOU SHALL NOT PASS! Also can you take your stupid friends with you?