I found this really cool blog by Joshua Harris and I thought I would post a short excerpt. Goooood stuff.
Do you love the church? Romans 12:10 tells Christians to "Love one another with brotherly affection."
The affection and love we're to have for fellow-Christians is to be based on the work of Jesus Christ for us. It's not about elitism, it's not because Christians are better than anyone else, it certainly isn't because Christians are necessarily more lovable. We love the church because we love the Savior who redeemed the church.
Acts 20:28 tells us that Jesus obtained the church with his own blood. Is this what your love for the church is based on? If it's anything less, it won't last long.
* Don't love the church because of what it does for you. Because sooner or later it won't do enough.
* Don't love the church because of a leader. Because human leaders are fallible and will let you down.
* Don't love the church because of a program or a building or activities because all those things get old.
* Don't love the church because of a certain group of friends because friendships change and people move.
Love the church because of who shed his blood to obtain the church. Love the church because of who the church belongs to. Love the church because of who the church worships. Love the church because you love Jesus Christ and his glory. Love the church because Jesus is worthy and faithful and true. Love the church because Jesus loves the church.
Wrong Reasons to Love The Church
Saturday, January 23, 2010
24/7 Gratefulness
So lately my life has become amazing. I am just really seeing God's vision for me unfold in so many ways right now. First, I have resumed my work as an pro-life activist with Rock For Life. I have begun volunteering for them again and was even lucky enough to participate in a t-shirt photoshoot. Besides that, I just enjoy working for them because I know I am helping to push forward the cause of Life. Whether its doing a photoshoot, holding a sign, or doing office work, my heart is filled with a passion for this cause and I believe it is part of my calling. I have also, while working with Rock For Life, been able to make a new friend who is just amazing, is a strong Christian and just shares alot of my interests. She is truly an answer to prayer. And finally, I have begun doing more blogs as part of my youth ministry work and that is also a calling that God has placed on my life. (Plus as a small side note, there is a cute guy who works at a rental store who has made my girlish heart flutter a tad. Nothing serious though, Just nice.)However, before I get caught up with all of these wonderful blessings, I am remind of how much I need to keep holding onto God. It is tempting when life begins getting better to forget about how God has an active part in our lives. Sounds weird but it is. We cling to God constantly in our struggles but when things get easy, I think sometimes we get spiritually lazy. We forget who brought us the good things. So I am making a resolution today to remember God's goodness in all seasons.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
high goals
So I'm learning the thrill of high goals. Why short suit yourself? I love working towards a goal. Goals give me the push to keep going sometimes. 3 examples: Theres a contest at work. Theres no big prize or anything, but I LOVE it! We are trying to see how many of certain items we can sell (it make the check average higher). I've sold so many and its become like a fun competition for me. (and high check average means higher tips too) (made 19.27 an hour tonight!). Another goal: I've wanted to be a cici's manager, but who would higher a 19 year old....well come to find out my boss was hired at 18 and a certain boss recently got fired. I want the job. Its a goal; something i would love to achieve. Recently, I was depressed about my finances cuz all my college bills are due and i thought I'd have no money left. I wanted to quit. why pour money into some dumb schooling? Well i found out that i will have money left and that many kids have to take out $100,000 loans and still manage do it. So Im even ahead of them. And even if I dont make a career out of my major, Ill still have the degree, the accomplishment, the experience, and the "i reached a goal" feeling.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
I'm a Thinker, not a Fighter.
I love to think. Not about anything in particular usually its just like my brain doesn't have a speed limit. I think and think and think. In turn, I love things that make me think like certain movies and music. Sometimes in the process of studying these topics and thinking about them, I like to argue. I'm not looking for a fight and I don't have some sadistic obsession with prodding people, I just like to argue and disagree sometimes for the heck of it. It's like a stimulation of the brain for me. So maybe I should warn people, I like to argue but I don't like to fight.
Just something I was thinking about =)