
So life is great except for one thing.... my parents.  I feel very much like they are trying to have control over my life and because they feel like they are loosing control, they are becoming more strict.  Right now I'm working 21 hours a week and going to school for 19 hours. Both of these things Im doing for them. They want me to work and I have to go to school. So when I'm not working or at school, I want to do what I love to do: hang out with my friends. But my parents keep complaining that I'm never home and that I never do anything around the house, and that when I am home, I'm not socializing with my family. The stress of home and these things that they keep telling me makes me not want to be here even more. I love work. I'd rather be there than home. I'd rather be at school doing homework than at home. I'm not allowed to go anywhere without telling them every detail about where I'm going and when. I love when class lets out early because I have the time to do something (like go to the store or out to eat) before I'm expected to be home. I got in trouble for going to Kohl's after work one day without letting my mom know...and I was still home before the time they expected me home. In 7 months, I would have been going away to college (if I had not decided to stay at Germanna). That means I would not be living at home. I would have the freedom to go anywhere, anytime, spend my money on what I want, and decide my own bed time. I'm not even close to having those freedoms right now. I'm sitting here thinking...maybe I do want to go away to college in the fall. but the reason I'd want to go away is the same reason I want to stay. MY FRIENDS. If I go away I'd have the freedom but no one to spend it with.  There are a few things that I really want to do aside from those little things. 3 trips. I dont think my parents will let me go on any of them because they are overnight and without known adults. I feel like saying "COME ON, mom and dad!! you'd know no one at college if I went away! Thats my thoughts lately... oh and I'm 18. 

Prayer ... and other things

Just in case anyone reads this blog anymore.... I could really use some prayer .... my life feels real bad so ... yeah